Alumni Band
Saturday, November 23, 2024 vs. Lamar University.
Alumni Band T-shirts will only available be for those that were requested them and registered by October 25th. ($15 payable by cash - exact change - or checks - McNeese Foundation - Band)
Limited instruments are available on a first come, first serve basis.
Deadline to register and order an alumni T-shirt: October 25th
Instrument check out for university owned instruments 7:30-8:15 am - Band Trailer on the East side of stadium.
Game Day Rehearsal 8:20-9:30 am - Cowboy Stadium (park in LOT E for morning rehearsal - you must move your cars immediately after rehearsal! You can park in a main campus lot after rehearsal.)
(OPTIONAL) Join TPOM to parade to the Cowboy Walk and alumni pavilion performance
Meet at 4:00 pm at band trailer if you need to pick back up a university instrument from equipment managers. The band lines up in front of the Field House at 4:15 pm for inspection and rewarm before stepping off.
Game Entry at Southeast Corner of Stadium around 5:50 pm. (Estimate depends on length of Alumni Pavilion performance and parade through tailgating, may be a few minutes earlier/later) Pick back up university instruments at the band trailer with equipment managers at this time.
Pregame step off at approx. 17:30 on game clock! Geaux Pokes!
*Please note we have limited instruments available to borrow on a first come, first serve basis. Instruments will be assigned/reserved based on when registration was received.
Limited available university instruments:
Drum line